
Welcome to The Education Partnership. Please take a look around our website and see what we can offer you.
Bill is chairman of The Education Partnership, which for the past twenty-one years has provided a truly comprehensive range of governance and compliance expertise to schools, colleges, and outdoor education activity centres. Since the introduction of Ofsted, he has prepared schools for and/or followed up on over 1,000 inspections. He was previously a Headteacher of all-age boarding and day schools in the maintained and independent sectors, including those for children with complex learning and behavioural needs, as well spending a period leading initial and in-service postgraduate teacher training in a college of higher education.
Bill works with proprietors and headteachers in preparation for and following up inspections by Ofsted (Education and Social Care) and the ISI. His expertise in this area covers the implementation of, and compliance with, the Independent School Standards (ISS) Regulations, the National Minimum Standards (NMS) for boarding schools and Residential Special Schools (RSS). This includes preparing documents for schools with dual registration, guiding proprietors through applying for a material change or the initial registration of a new school, and their full inspection within one year.
Bill, with colleagues, is currently undertaking a longitudinal study examining how the proprietors of schools can best navigate the external inspection process and compliance with the Independent School Standards (ISS), the National Minimum Standards (NMS) for boarding and residential special schools (RSS) . The research aims to determine how they might avoid receiving warning notices and enforcement letters from the DfE, and ensure the fulfilment of their responsibilities while strengthening governance, leadership and management. The conclusions of this research will undoubtably be useful for our client schools.
To this end, he is looking for schools inspected in accordance with the ISS Regulations in England for whom he could undertake a pro bono one-day compliance health check in return for participating in a confidential semi-structured interview on this subject at the end of the day. If you would be interested in taking up this offer, please contact [email protected].
Bill is approached by an increasing number of proprietors, chairs of trustees and headteachers, who find themselves in challenging circumstances. This includes schools that have received a warning notice and enforcement letter from the Department for Education (DfE) due to their failure to meet the Independent School Standards (ISS) and/or the NMS for boarding and residential special schools (RSS). Following guidance and advice, these schools are consistently judged to be compliant upon inspection.
Bill works with colleagues, employers (proprietors, trustees, and governors), headteachers, chief executive officers, chief operating officers and bursars towards:

- preparing applications on behalf of proprietors, to the DfE, for establishing new schools, material changes to existing schools, and action plans for schools which have received a warning notice and enforcement letter from the DfE or an unannounced/emergency inspection;
- managing their schools and outdoor education/activity centres in a more effective and efficient way;
- implementing day-to-day working practices including policies and procedures in accordance with the Independent School Standards (ISS), the National Minimum Standards (NMS) for boarding schools and Residential Special Schools (RSS);
- advising on learning outside the classroom including the responsibilities of providers, employees and employers;
- carrying out special educational needs audits, advising on specific learning difficulties (especially dyslexia), and on the role of the SENCO;
- drawing up personnel specifications and effective interview strategies along with the recruitment and performance management of principals, headteachers, senior leadership teams and SENCOs.

Bill is a Vice President of the Hampshire Scout Association, a supporter of the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme, the senior education advisor to the Society of Educational Consultants, a member of both the Magic Circle and the International Brotherhood of Magicians.
Bill’s personal interests include music, magic and mountains frequently interspersed with regular visits to tea shops.